Armonia Programs
AIMS (Armonia Indigenous Mexican Scholars) Program in Oaxaca
The most exciting new program developed by Armonia is the AIMS program. Started three years ago by Saul Cruz in the city of Oaxaca, Mexico, this program provides an opportunity for poor Indian (indigenous Mexican) teenagers in the Sierra Madre mountains of Southern Mexico to obtain a High School education, and a chance for University education in Mexico City.
Armonia has purchased land on the outskirts of Oaxaca City and is in the final stages of construction of the first student residence there.
For the last three years, students have been housed in a residence in Oaxaca City under close supervision and guidance while they learn basic skills, Christian training, and attendance in a local high school in Oaxaca.
Currently forty students are in attendance while nine students have been admitted to University in Mexico City and live in Mexico City at Alheli house, one of the Armonia residences near the Santa Cruz Community Center.
Armonia Community Transformation Centers in Mexico City
Jalalpa and Presidentes
Transformation Centers are located in the western slum ravines of Mexico City,where Armonia has been serving for many years. Some of the projects that have transformed the lives of those in the area are the children's club, homework club, nutrition program, summer course, health clinics,meetings with parents and youth, Bible studies, and weekly Sunday celebration meeting.
Santa Cruz
Transformation Center is located on the expanding northern edge of Mexico City. Armonia is seeking to minister to the poor who cannot compete with the growing economy. At Santa Cruz, the community participates in many programs for the children, including homework clubs and summer courses, as well as events for the whole community including medical clinics and a weekly Sunday celebration meeting.
The Hornos Community is made up of dozens of families who were displaced from their homes by the government because these homes had been built on the side of a steep, sandy cliff and were in danger of collapse. For more than a year now, the government has promised to provide these people new apartments, and a few have just recently heard an apartment is ready for them.
Casa Blanca
Casa Blanca is a residence in Ojo de Agua near the Santa Cruz Transformation Center which serves as a meeting ground for visitors and mission teams who come to Armonia. It is a beautiful white residence, hence the name Casa Blanca. Accomodations are most pleasant for all who stay there.